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A sentence used to express the relationship of words, : can mean "is to" and :: can mean "as"

Arm is to leg as hot is to cold

have sex : lose virginity :: jumping off a cliff : death

by Xavier breath April 19, 2005

94👍 335👎


A series of words used to explain the meaning of another word; sometimes don't make sense

Ran: to have run.

Pain: Strong, sharp physical discomfort

by Xavier breath March 21, 2005

635👍 339👎

Mongloid baby

A baby mongloid; Also used to call someone an idiot.

Shut up, you freakin' mongloid baby!

by Xavier breath March 6, 2005

14👍 25👎


A crude dialect that noobs speak in; often involves insults, the number one thousand, three hundred thirty-seven typed multiple times. Also involves "L" and "O" typed in rapid sucession. numbers are also common in words. You can type some basic noobish by bashing your head against a keyboard several times, and misspelling words.

L3ik, OMG! YOU R SEW RETARDED! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLO 13371337133713371337 drtrfgyiuuiyt 6rt54fewrtftyy7uty 65rtererttrerqwtrfyt+! lolololol, U R AN 1D10+!!!!!lololololo

by Xavier breath March 8, 2005

219👍 70👎

homo sapiens

The species that modern humans belong to

I'm a homo; homo sapien!

by Xavier breath April 19, 2005

190👍 74👎


Someone who is your age or close to it.

"I sentence you to be exposed before your peers! Tear down the wall!!!!!!"

by Xavier breath March 23, 2005

251👍 72👎