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Books are basically for reading and trying to calm you down (Kinda). They also are like binders with pieces of paper with writing and drawings.

Example: Me: I'm going to read a book be right back. You: What's a book?

by XxMochi November 6, 2022


Just a dead tree you look at and hallucinate.

Me: Hey, have you read any good books lately? You: Whats a book? Me: How are we still friends.

by XxMochi March 4, 2023


Just how bored are you???? Well I had the time to make this so you probably just did this because: #1. Your an robot/alien trying to figure out the best way of communicating so you don't sound like a robot/alien whatever you are. #2. You were trying to find the $exv|@| meaning of it and your absolutely dirty/messed up. #3. You are a 10 IQ 4 year old that has Cheetos(I HATE AUTO CORRECT!!!) dust and doesn't know what hello means #4. You were THAT bored to type this up on U.D (Urban dictionary(If you SOMEHOW don't know what U.D means) ). If you did this because of any of these reasons i'll pay the cost of therapy:).

A1(Amateur 1): Hello JAAAA1(Just as amateur as A1) JAAAA1: Greetings A1! A1: OMFG LAB GUY OR WHATEVER JAAAA1 JUST DISCOVERED THE ULTIMATE WAY TO SAY HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lab guy: Meh probably something we heard before A1: JAAAA1 JUST SAID "GREETINGS" TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M THE FIRST ONE TO HEAR IT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lab guy: OMG PUT THIS IN THE U.D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JAAAA1: Uhhh then why are we on the U.D?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? A1 & Lab guy: Wait what??????????????????????? (Plot twist: it was ALL a simulation)

by XxMochi April 2, 2023