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shrooms is a type of hallucinigetic drug that can be eaten or smoked. you can have an awesome trip or a horrable trip depending on where you are, who your with, and what your thinking. when your taking shrooms make sure you dont think anything bad or panic or anything. they make you feel really good. they last for about 6-8 hours. depending on the amount you take will determine what kind of things you'll see. everything will get really textured and colors will become way crazy. sometimes you laugh for no reason and you cant stop. you also become kinda retarded. you'll think things that you would never think of sober but when you try to say them outloud it comes out retarded. your pupils get really bigg and everything looks like its moving or breathing. you also get this really big rush like your free from everything and you feel like you can do anything. some people say that when you do shrooms you see one color more than any other color. thats sometimes true.

when i did shrooms, i looked at the clouds and they looked like skeletons that were dragons breathing fire and moving. then when i looked at the ground it looked like it was breathing with me. then for about an hour everytime i looked at something it was either green or it was outlined in green. also me and my friend went to a park and we felt this huge rush and she started running and she screamed just because it felt good. it was the best thing ever.

by Xxeletrikkx July 2, 2006

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