A ridiculously attractive, kick ass girl who stands up for her best mates because she loves them to bits. Those who don't initially find her attractive will fall head over heels for her after only one drunken bonding session, in fact, the entire population of the world is attracted to her but they just don't know it yet (often people may not discover their attraction for her until they find out she's interested in them). Falling into her bad books may be the worst life choice you make, as she holds serious grudges (for good reasons mostly). She can be highly judgmental and a complete bitch to others but you love her for it because it's so hilarious. Lillian cusses like a sailor and frequently busts out brilliant dirty jokes, she will also out drink/dance you under any circumstance. Find a Lillian and become her best friend; you will have no regrets.
Lillian: 'sup. You dtf?
Girl/Boy: F YEAH!! *drools*
Girl: I heard that incredible girl Lillian thinks you're fiiiine. Do you like her back?
Boy: Oh lordy, I certainly do now.
Guy1: I lost $50 over a bet with that girl over there. She totally stomached more goon than me and didn't even munt!
Guy2: Woaaah she's one hell of a Lillian!
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