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A Thinny is a tear in the fabric of reality, which can lead to other times, parallel worlds or universes.

Wikipedia: Glossary_of_The_Dark_Tower

A thinny is a "weak spot" in reality, where the fabric of reality has been worn thin. They are described as looking like large blobs of mercury and emit a warbling sound similar to a musical saw. This sound can set a person's teeth on edge and/or hypnotize the victim.

Besides the insanity-inducing buzzing and warbling sound, the thinny plays on a person's thoughts; telling them what they want to hear and promising a fine outcome. Death is more likely. Transportation into other universes is possible by simply walking into a thinny, but this is a rare outcome.

In Wizard and Glass the main characters end up passing from All-World into Topeka, Kansas in the world of The Stand by riding Blaine the Mono through a thinny that is breaking between the two worlds. In flashbacks presented in the same novel, Roland encountered a thinny earlier in life that entered into a world filled with monsters that almost "devour" an entire army.

by Xzal June 1, 2010

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Nerf Syndrome

Refers to gaming occurences where certain features, functions or abilities within a game (electronic or otherwise) experience cycles of nerfing.

It also refers to a feedback loop in game balance and development.

It commonly occurs due to bad reputations attached to nerfed items or abilities, which results in the abandonment of Y in favor of X. As X becomes more favored it appears to become OP (Overpowered) and risks being nerfed itself and thus repeating the cycle.

"They've nerfed almost every gun in this game because of the cry babies. Nerf Syndrome or what."

by Xzal January 8, 2015