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Way of saying thing. Somming form ebonic ancesstry.

Aint no thaing like a chicken wing/wang.

She one fine thaing

by YARKHAN March 26, 2005

6๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

White House Plumbers

White House Plumbers:the special unit established to investigate internal security leaks. This direct violation of the National Security Act's prohibition led Congress to strengthen provisions barring the agency from domestic operations.

I'm one of the white house plumbers you dombshit, dont shoot.

by YARKHAN May 9, 2006

26๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

mozambique crane lift

Lifting a hefty yet sagging pair of jungle tiddies using principles of physics assisted by modern mechanics.

Dawg, you finna have to mozambique crane lift them jungle tiddies booooyyyyyeeeeeeeyyy.

by YARKHAN October 28, 2020

thick girl

(thiK gรƒยปrl) adj.
1. A word comming from modern Black Pop Culture. It is simply defined as one (female of the negroid race) with a large buttox. Also, one who does not have acces fat, but is not skinny either (again a female if hte begroid race).
A good description of a so called "thick girl" was made by Cornell Haynes, Jr. who also goes by the name of "Nelly". The reference to the word was made in his song: RIDE WITH ME from the ALBUM Country Grammer. He refers to a "thick girl" as "Her measurements were 36-25-34".

Thick Girl : Her measurements were 36-25-34. (Cornell Haynes, Jr.)

by YARKHAN December 29, 2005

371๐Ÿ‘ 873๐Ÿ‘Ž