The potential for even the most seemingly benign, well-meaning activity, event or plan to become unrecognizably deranged due to the predictably spirit-crushing, self-serving, greedy or otherwise destructive effect of human influence.
So much for 'sunday school'...another priest got caught with his pants down and turned the whole thing into a three ring shit-show
46π 6π
The systematic identification, indictment and prosecution of any person suspected of harboring opposing counter- party, anti-authoritarian political ideology.
ItΓ’ΒΒs hard to lose at the polls when the threat of a presidential grudge fuck undermines voter election confidence, short-circuits election integrity, supplants established democracy and aligns comfortably with the deranged agenda of other non-democratic sociopathic leaders.
The worshipped upperclassmen in any given college fraternity; the same ones that dole out goat-fucking, binge-drinking and trans-gender experimentation as completion-criteria for highly - prized admission into their prestigious ranks...
... and then the frat fuckers pointed me toward the keg. I don't remember anything after that, except for the strange taste I'm my mouth...
13π 3π
The euthanasia-induced, temporary repository for a beloved, yet incontinent, demented and disease-riddled family pet that has succumbed to the unfortunate ravages of time...
Ok kids, 'Boots' is the 'fridge; we gotta get her out and into the ground before the Vet charges us for another month of 'storage'...go get yer shovels...
26π 6π
Any of a seemingly infinite number of specialty devices designed with the specific intent to provide unexpected sexual pleasure.
Out of the blue she pulled out a fugulator! It was the best night of my life....
78π 5π
Individuals with declining visual and hearing acuity, slowing of cognitive processing, reduced physical capacity and an attitude of entitlement unmatched by any other group. The almost-deads typically prefer warmer climates where they wreak havoc on motorways, consume massive health-care resources and generally burden society until forever silenced by the inevitable icy-cold hand of death.
Yeah, it took 2 hrs to drive 2 fuckin' miles this morning. Seems that a car full of almost-deads did the 'wrong-way thing' entering the highway and crashed head-on into a motor home...shut down BOTH North AND South bound traffic so they could be extracted and life-flighted to the nearest cemetery.
13π 3π
Individuals with declining visual and hearing acuity, slowing of cognitive processing, reduced physical capacity and an attitude of entitlement unmatched by any other group. The almost-deads typically prefer warmer climates where they wreak havoc on motorways, consume massive health-care resources and generally burden society until forever silenced by the inevitable icy-cold hand of death.
Yeah, it took 2 hrs to drive 2 fuckin' miles this morning. Seems that a car full of almost-deads did the 'wrong-way thing' entering the highway and crashed head-on into a motor home...shut down BOTH North AND South bound traffic so they could be extracted and life-flighted to the nearest cemetery.
12π 4π