An effort by many radical right-wing Republicans to suppress the rights of women
As part of the war on women radical right-wingers typically oppose common sense legislation such as requiring that women receive equal pay for equal work, and opposition to the Violence Against Women Act which provides resources for fighting sexual assault and domestic violence.
2127👍 1921👎
Radical right-wingers who try to blame Obama for every conceivable problem that comes along
Oblamer:"The NSA collecting personal data like our phone records is bullshit I hate Obama for creating the Patriot Act. "
Intelligent Person:"Excuse me the Patriot Act was created by the Bush Administration."
Oblamer:"Deficit spending is out of control because of Obama"
Intelligent Person:"When Bill Clinton left office we had a record budget surplus Bush turned it into a record deficit, every year since Obama has been in office annual deficits have actually decreased."
Oblamer:"Obamacare is going to cause an increase in the number of abortions."
Intelligent person: "Actually since the Affordable Care Act insures everybody has access to things like birth control and prenatal care it has actually reduced the number of abortions."
2247👍 1845👎