âkâ also known as âAngerfulfilledattitudeandmoodchangermajorchangeinatmosphereandpissesmerightthefuckoffsisâ, the longest word containing a record breaking 88 letters and means, âto get annoyed by 1 syllable of disinterest.â
Pronounced ~ anger-ful-filled-at-tit-ude-and-moo-d-chan-ge-r-major-chan-ge-in-at-mo-sphere-and-piss-es-me-right-th-e-fu-ck-off-sis
Me: You wonât believe what happened today!
Friend: k
Me: k
'Hey I'm an Internet Dweller now!'
Bazamalam is a famous youtuber, almost like his friend 8-BitRyan.
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