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Swindler Megan

1. A.k.a. a narcissistic cheater woman or gal
2. Selfish bitch; it's all about her needs and wants
3. Promiscuous slut or whore
4. Loves to jumps from one individual of the opposite sex to another individual of the opposite sex for the mere pleasure of seeking vast amounts of attention a.k.a. a Hopper
5. Rebound relationship expert
6. Loves to manipulate her preys
7. Have attachment issues specifically an Anxious Love Attachment
8. Full of insecurities, lacks confidence within herself
9. Swindler Megan (may gana or have fondness or inclination) loves to:

Meganang manlalaki (fondness for other men)
Meganang mangaliwa (inclined to cheat)
Megana sa mga abangers (fondness for poachers)
Meganang magmanipula (inclined in guilt tripping or gaslighting)
Meganang magsinungaling (fondness in lying)

*Any Megan you can think of... LOL

My ex is definitely a swindler megan. She can't be with herself after a break up, she always need a someone to make her feel complete. SMH

by Yabu March 8, 2021