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Forbidden one

He who is without innocence yet full of Child like purity. junior the forbidden one is the most important figure in recent years as his will shall be reinstated without mercy so that the wicked shall feel the flame of his everlasting torment

One of the forbidden ones most notable and impressive feats is his mastery over black magic and multilingualism as well as forbidden knowledge and agility plus strength and parkour skills

before you hate on him, he’s the only being (malevolent) that doesn’t discriminate anyone’s sexuality, gender or race, ONLY RELIGION. He may hurt people for the pleasure but atleast he’s open about it and doesn’t lie about it which you can’t really say about most people that you meet. the forbidden one seeks adoration and comfort yet by meeting him you’d never suspect it.

(Junior) The Forbidden One IS whatever you want him to be, there is no age for him, he simply IS

Not evil nor benevolent, as he simply IS

People are forbidden from befriending him or even going near him/it since he’s a bad influence yet others argue that he’s misunderstood, whatever the truth is, it’s likely open to interpretation.

unlike deceivers , this kid (despite being the antagonist) is the good guy who exposes Islamic extremism and their false religion as well as woke agendas that try so hard to manipulate hollywood to suit their own, let it be known that none shall delay the arrival of the prince of chaos lest they prefer to feel the wrath of the forbidden one.......

Junior the forbidden one is an example of himself and of great importance if one isn’t close minded and chooses to unlock the forbidden secrets of the earth

The Forbidden One defined ; forbidden one

by Yankadank October 8, 2021

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