Source Code

The Closet

A magical world where noone is faithful to their partners, everyone carries a gun and R Kelly narrates every action anyone does.

He looks at the closet, I pull out my beretta. He walks up to the closet, get closer to the closet, now he’s at the closet, damn he’s opening the closet…

by Yaziyo March 5, 2008

39👍 10👎


Another way of saying porn.

Ima go make my client happy with some good ole ornpay.

by Yaziyo April 24, 2006

55👍 21👎


The bald patch on the middle of aging men's heads.

Angad over there has a very shiny debon.

by Yaziyo November 3, 2005

8👍 4👎


A cool person who smells. Also see Jads947

Yaziyo is the coolest of the cool people.

by Yaziyo April 28, 2005

13👍 4👎


What you don't want to get stuck in the paper-shredder.

Oh noes, my scrotum!

by Yaziyo April 24, 2006

2099👍 807👎


Where midgets live, according to R Kelly.

Not only is there a man in his cabinet...
But the man...


by Yaziyo March 5, 2008

25👍 16👎

r0x0rz j00r b0x0rz

A 1337 or leet term used by people who think they are cool by writing in numbers. However, many of these people are actually 46 and live in their mother's basement on a pizza diet.

"0mgz!!!111oneoneoneone1! I r0x0rz j00r b0x0rz noob/ n33b/ n00b/ ch00b/ fr00b/ errer00b!!11!shiftone11!!!!!!

by Yaziyo April 29, 2005

39👍 14👎