Ali is one of the sweetest, funniest people you will ever meet. She is really pretty but always puts herself down and cakes her fave in makeup to try and make herself look better. She will eventually learn to love herself, but until then, if you have a ali in your life, tell her how beautiful she is! Anyone is lucky to have a ali in their life because she is beautiful, patient, funny, kind, and takes an interest in music and teaching.
Person 1: who is your best friend?
Person 2: Ali!
Did you really just type the letters on a keyboard but skipped L and switched n and m? WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE? Get back to whatever it was you are procrastinating about right now!
You: i have no life
Me: i agree
Really? Did you just type that. WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE? Stop procrastinating by typing random letters into the urban dictionary!
Typing hduhdhdudfjncgjokdqy is a waste of time