--New England--
New England is an old grouping of states in the northeastern region of the U.S. It has traditionally consisted of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. On rare occasions, New York, and even parts of New Jersey have been considered New England (Connecticut Puritans founded many towns in these states).
--Massachusetts Does NOT Have Friends--
New England is NOT "Massachusetts and friends." Most of the other New England states want nothing to do with those snobby, arrogant Massholes and their sucky driving habits. Go clog up your own retail outlets, seriously. Also, Boston's influence is very small and barely extends into extreme southeast New Hampshire--the rest of these five states has nothing to do with it at all: Boston tends to overstate its importance.
--The Connecticut Debate--
It is debatable whether or not Connecticut really belongs in New England--the western and southern parts of that state are pretty much indistinguishable from New York. On the shoreline of southern Connecticut, you can see the skyline of Manhattan on the horizon--tons of people work there and go there on the weekends for shopping and baseball games. Connecticut is NOT "down" with Massachusetts, nor will it ever be. So, I guess it's not REALLY New England, but it sort of looks like it in places. Connecticut seems more like a Mid-Atlantic state with its ties to New York and northern New Jersey.
At a bar, on vacation in some warm sunbelt state:
Masshole: Wheah ah you from?
Me: I'm from New England.
Masshole: Oh, so yuah a sawx fan?
Me: Actually, I'm from western Connecticut, and everyone there likes New York teams.
Masshole: New Englanduh my ass! You can't call ya self a New Englanduh! Fahk you, go Sox! Yankees ah a bunch a fahkin' queahs! Connecticut is paht of New Yahk, not New England!
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