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The Three D's

The Three D's mean:


Used to describe how the magic happened at night, and how some people like it. The Three D's is the key to pleasuring your partner.

Rod: ''This bitch i laid went in so crazy! She went for the three D's!''
Fredrick: ''Oh shit, for real? It must have been magical at night!''
Rod: ''Yeehh man! She went all out!''

by YoDaddy #69 May 7, 2016

2👍 3👎


Definition of LMFTO - Laugh My Fucking Titties Off.

When you laugh so hard that dem pops drop!

Shkisha: ''Yo I was hanging with my girls and we was talking about some fucked shit.''
Laquisha: ''Oh really, so what's the haps, hoe?''
Shkisha: ''Aye this bitch said some funny shit that I lmfto!''
Laquisha: ''Nah, you lying!''
Shkisha: ''Nah I aint gasing, I am for real! I am legit!''

by YoDaddy #69 May 7, 2016

1👍 1👎


When you misspell horny! Go back to school!
This word is used alot when kids try to type all gangster prankster, and for the idiots who can't spell.

Dumbass - Yo I saw the girl and she looked at me very

horney like.

Smartass - It's horny you dumbfuck

by YoDaddy #69 December 16, 2015

42👍 77👎