You can think of everything as simple and complex. The wise is the simple and the knowledgeable is the complex. It has been said that to be wise is to remove more words from your sentences. In a way this is a true. Someone who can talk your ear off about a subject is considered knowledgeable. Someone who is wise typically has a vast amount of knowledge. You can think of it like a puzzle. The pieces are the knowledge. But when you put all of them together, it creates a bigger picture. That bigger picture applys to all the knowledge. People who can see the bigger picture to a lot of things are considered more wise. Of course wisdom is not necessary better than knowledge. Wise thinking can show the clear path you should follow, but sometimes you can oversimplify and need the knowledge to get the job done.
Wisdom freaking sucks man... I feel like I think too simply and only say a few words so I'm always a really boring person to hangout with. Wish I didn't see the answers to people's problems so clearly...