A phobia of fearing heterosexually (aka straight) Was Commonly described with LGBTQ+. It started as a myth from the internet where everyone believes it doesn't exist. But later when the lgbts started to say something extremely disrespectful for the straight society, such as saying death threats and criticise the society of straight people, started to become more relevant and it's no longer a myth anymore.
A majority of people thinks that nobody will never be heterosexual because of the influence by the US government. But some places like the People's Republic of China, is a society were having both mother and father is part of their culture. Also have a prohibition on adopting or selling a children. Therefore that saying is a false statement.
The word is now used in social medias like Twitter, YouTube and Facebook. Mostly because of the toxicity from lgqts who posts about "Banning all Straight People" and "If you are straight, go to die". These kinds of posts made Heterophobia or Heterophobic more common and slowly involved into a new vocabulary.
To prevent this word from involvement, just need to respect all of the sexualities. Even though it's Bisexuality, Heterosexuality, Transsexuality. All of them need to be respected. Don't expect people will never use these terms, people always will with a specific reason. Don't be the people who only thinks their country is the only country in the world. Just respect everything, no matter what.
That person has some crazy rivalry with people being straight, maybe he have Heterophobia or something.
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