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John Lennon

2.One of the writers of the greatest music... Period...

1. I worship John Lennon.
2. I listen to John Lennon!

by Yorkselim December 3, 2010

15👍 25👎


1.A Russian asshole that loves to ruin your day after it has started out going well and thinks he is a fucking communist. He often needs to be reminded that WE ARE IN THE FUCKING UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!

2.A way of murder which often consists of a frying pan,a large array of screwdrivers,three rakes,9 feet of rope,6 feet of barbwire,a bucket and a rusty butter knife.

1. Alex,stop being such an Oscar.

2. Alex should shut the fuck up or I will Oscar him.

by Yorkselim December 3, 2010

2👍 27👎