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Your average millennial or a gen z


Millenial: I'm never going to do anything of value. I have to cry now, I can't handle this I'm just trying to get by
Gen Z kid: I'm never gonna do anything of value! lol

Millennial: Kids should be taught openly about mental health itรขย€ย™s very important! Gen Z:*rides in on Segway* What the hap is fuckening my gays *grabs some tide pods* lol what if I ate these.
Baby Boomer: Peace man!!!! Generation X: Long live Cobain!!!! Generation Y/Millenial: Who needs Peace and Grunge when you have Lady Gaga!!! Generation Z: I wish I could buy an iPad, but I'm in debt!

by You're nothing December 30, 2020

11๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž