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hwæt is a better/older version of one of the most over-used and over-saturated words, "what". it curses me to even speak of it's name, but I must for you. to use hwæt is like your first kiss, or every time you meet a new crush. Or every time you get married. Or any time you decide to f*ck your dog.

wot: wot
what: what the hell
hwæt, an intellectual: pick le' rickle.

by You'reMom* March 21, 2018

ur nans trans

the most bad swear in the galaxy, no "no u" can combat it.

John: ur mom gay
Paul: ur dad lesbian
John: ur granny tranny
Paul: ur gramp a tramp
John: ur paps a trap
Paul: ur nans trans
John: *Spontaneously combusts into pure matter. The matter forms into the densest black hole in the galaxy, and the entire observable universe turns to more matter. consuming the heavens, even ur mom.*

by You'reMom* March 21, 2018


"Ymg" stands for "Y.our M.om G.ay". Pronounced "Yi-mm-gh" or just "Yimg". Can also be substituted for "OMG" as a trick to your friends.

You: YMG That is SO funny!
Your friend: What does YMG mean
You: Whoops auto correct, I meant OMG.
Your friend: Oh ok haha

by You'reMom* March 21, 2018

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