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1. A flamboyant homosexual.

2. A person who deliberately makes inflammitory or slanderous posts on internet message boards for the purpose of starting a flame war.

1. That one dude from Will & Grace.

2. The forum member's tendancy to insult and pick fights with other users earned him a reputation as a flamer.

by You Can't Kill the Metal June 5, 2005

820πŸ‘ 345πŸ‘Ž

sam fisher

1. (noun) The main character in the Splinter Cell series of video games.

2. (verb) The act of being very silent and sneaky.

1. Sam Fisher infiltrated the terrorist's hideout with anybody knowing he was there.

2. "Man, I didn't even hear you coming. You totally pulled a Sam Fisher on me."

by You Can't Kill the Metal April 4, 2006

227πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž

Internet Tough Guy

Somebody who frequents internet message boards and chat rooms and tries to project an image of being a badass. Typical internet tough guy behavior may include:

- Claims to be a master of any number of martial arts styles.
- Claims to be incredibly strong and physically fit.
- Threatens violence against other message board members or chat room users who anger or annoy him.
- May claim to an ex-Marine, ex-Special Forces, or gangsta.
- Makes exaggerated claims about his own sexual prowess and ability to seduce women.

Most internet tough guys are liars, and are actually angry, socially-awkward young males who use the internet as a place to act tough because they can't pull it off in real life.

Examples of comments an internet tough guy might make:

"If I knew where you lived in real life, I'd kick your ass for saying that."

"The other night I beat the shit out of some dude who dissed my Harley. I then took his girlfriend (who happens to be a Victoria's Secret model) back to my place and shagged her until the sun came up."

by You Can't Kill the Metal August 8, 2006

621πŸ‘ 111πŸ‘Ž

mom's basement

Stereotypical home for the geek, nerd, fatbeard, loser, etc. The term implies that the individual still lives with one or both of his parents despite being a grown man. Reasons for still living at home may include a lack of drive and ambition, being unable to afford a place of his own due to spending all of his money on his hobbies (i.e. Star Trek figurines, comic books, and online role-playing games), or just plain being a mama's boy.

"Jeff is such a loser. He really needs to move out of his mom's basement and work on getting laid rather than spending every free minute playing World of Warcraft."

by You Can't Kill the Metal September 11, 2006

216πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

moon pie

A snack food popular in the southern United States. A moon pie consists of a marshmellow sandwiched between two cookie-shaped graham crackers, which is then dipped in chocolate. Moon pies are sometimes sold as "marshmellow pies" or "scooter pies" in other areas of the country. In Canada, a moon pie is called a "wagon wheel."

In the 1950s, a moon pie and an R.C. Cola was known as a "working man's lunch."

by You Can't Kill the Metal September 16, 2006

200πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž


A wild party where beer is served (usually in disposable plastic cups) from a keg. Keggers are usually associated with high school and college students, but anybody can throw one if they've got a lot of friends and at least one keg of beer.

"Were you at Steve's kegger on Saturday night? Jessica and Ashley got drunk and made out with each other in front of everybody. It was awesome!"

by You Can't Kill the Metal October 20, 2006

473πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž


Contraction for "but her face." It's a term for a woman who has a great body, but a face that ranges from less-than-pretty to downright fugly.

"Too bad Joan's a butterface, because if she had a face to match that body... oh baby.."

by You Can't Kill the Metal November 14, 2005

60πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž