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Madison’s usually have light brown hair with green eyes. Madison’s don’t hate being called their full name but prefer their nickname. Madison is very strange but in an attractive way. Super persistent but filled with anxiety. Usually under 5’4

Dude #1: dang Madison your soooo weird

Dude #2: but super cute
Dude #1: that is an understatement

by You you January 24, 2019

Chiam Klein

Chiam Klein was the most intelligent and kindest person on this planet. He was born on May 5th 1934 and passed away October 25 2018. Chiam was my grandfather and my best friend. I miss him very much and will love him forever. Chiam was everything and anything. He could make friends so easily and loved helping people. Chiam Klein was a beloved father, brother, son, grandfather, and uncle. Chiam Klein was the best man you could ever get to meet. Always have him in your hearts!❤️ He was and will always be my poppy.

A: what’s your poppy’s name
B: chiam Klein

A:wow I heard he’s the best
B:he is!

by You you March 27, 2019


Is national kiss your crush day

I love everyday because everyday I get to kiss my boo thing who doesn’t know he/she is my boo thing

by You you October 16, 2019


Murrow is a place where class doesn’t exist. Students love to ‘Murrow It’ but laying on the floor during their optas. Murrow is super artsy and creative. The teachers at Murrow love assigning hw to a topic you have never or never will discuss. At Murrow even though you learn absolutely nothing kids still get into Ivy League and the most desirable colleges. We call it Murrow magic!

A:you go to Murrow
B:hah yeah
A:then how’d you pass that test
B: Murrow magic!

by You you March 27, 2019

3👍 2👎


A popular school, mostly consists of lgbtq+ members and if your not apart of it now you will be by senior year. Super artsy. Everyone sits on the floor. There is no such thing as class just optas

A- you go to Murrow?
b- yes
A-so lucky man!

by You you January 24, 2019

3👍 7👎


The best man on earth. My favorite person in the world. Always the happiest and never lets you down. He will do anything and everything for you. When he leaves you miss him so much. I love him so much!

A:gotta go visit my poppy
B:tell him I said hi, love that man!

by You you March 27, 2019