I'm so inhebriated off caffeine. Breh! The way US-sons talk when drunk. Used mostly by Mexicans and White/Latins. Derived: California
Doesn't really mean anything deeper than that, trust me.
Breh! What? Breh I'm so drunk Aiit
Breh we're really close right, dawg? Yeah mhm yeah.
Brehh, what's up? No, man.
Spread. Could be a verb/noun. To make a lot out of very little. For example, you spread your food for a whole week in one night with your boy. Example two, You eat a bar of cookies, and a bag of chips all to yourself one evening away from everyone else. Or, -You throw everything you got together in a single spread.
Condiments. Mayonnaise, soy sauce, salt and pepper, Ranch, Butter ranch, jalapeño peppers (bellpenos), cheese, minute rice.
''Do you want to spread, tonight?''
''What'chu got for a spread?''
"Do you want to spread?" "No." "Aiight, I got you."
white guilt
I think there's a little bit of white guilt involved in anything we do even as the audience watching like why am I enjoying watching suffering, backstabbing, lying & strategy so much?
How do they not feel a little bit of white guilt?
Noun. A boy friend. A guy mate. Your homie, your friend that's a guy, pardner.
A intimate way of calling your friend. Your really close homie. Someone you knew from back at home. Someone you just met. Just another person.
Derived: US.
How're my homeslaces doing today? What's up, my homeslace? S/He's my homeslace. Homeslace. A slice of home. Someone or something you know really well cause you grew up with it.
dat dick
Boy1: Yeah, my friend... texted me something weird, one time, lol.
Boy2: What?
He was like, Hey, what's up?
Boy1: Nothing much, you?
Boy1: What do you want?
and he said,
dat dick
dat dick, i want it u, me, and... him ?
And that's it. The End. That's the gist of the whole thing. A really happy ending to it. Andasit.
Derived: US
So I went to the mall and got accosted by a bored co.
Andasit. I never went back there ever again.
Making them believe something about themselfs that's very true that they choose to ignore.
gas lighting
I hear thoughts.
The neighbors talk to me through the walls in my house.