Source Code


1: the famous site known for turning intellectuals into idiots
2: to procrastinate (BAD!)
3: to become a lazy ass who does nothing but skip school and watch it's inbox get flooded with schpam, because of Facebook
4: an excuse for missing planned activities, you addict fuck
5: to stalk people and hide your inner stalker

1: My IQ was 140 before Facebook, now it's 70, durrrr huhuhuh
2: Sorry i procrastinated, i facebooked
3: i'm staying home. i got some facebooking to do
4: Sorry i missed out on our date, me and my best buds facebooked
5: I found you on facebook, wanna facebook?

by Your Best Idiot April 17, 2010

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Diddy Kong

1) The best kind of sidekick you'll ever get! Best known as the strongest chimpanzee in the Donkey Kong series

2) To wear a red cap and you're favourite food is bananas

3) To be near a muscular friend

1) Diddy: Second banana is what I am!

2) That dude is... imitating? Diddy Kong!

3) I'm Diddy and this is my buddy DK

by Your Best Idiot March 27, 2010

16πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Private email so your parents won't look at what the fuck you're doing

Everybody uses Hotmail now

by Your Best Idiot April 18, 2010

14πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

george w. bush

a kwyjibo

who's that...kwyjibo? over there!
George W. Bush

by Your Best Idiot March 11, 2010

241πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


a circle with a cross, ya dumboes

if you put ΓƒΒ˜ over <object>, it means "No More <Object>" where <object> can mean anything

by Your Best Idiot April 13, 2010

9πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž


A very weird where you shout (though it can be omitted) ULTIMATUM!!! and explain 2-4 scenarios, all have to be humiliating and/or violent.

Jake: Yo, man, i got this cool game! it's called Ultimatum! IT'S AWESOME!

Dan: Hey dude, Explain the rules!

Jake: no. Let's play! Didds, you start!

Diddy: K, Jake, will you: 1: take a long piss with the door open, 2: take the oath of ignorance, 3: go nuts for the week, and 4: smash sum priceless thing"

Jake: Woah, that's a tough one, choice... 1

Diddy: then you have to take the next piss with the door open

Jake: WHAT!?! People will see my ding dong!

Brenda: You Picked your fate! and you will have to do it once.

Diddy: And i forgot, it has to happen at a party, when LOTS of people are around

by Your Best Idiot April 5, 2010

11πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


fear of the workplace, a slackoholic

Lotsa people have Workaphobia, meaning they are afraid of work, school, or anything related. and they are proud of that. they're just too dumb to show it

by Your Best Idiot April 7, 2010

1πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž