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Hadley is known to kind of be a girly girl
She is very brave and loves things to be nice and neat she is also very beautiful

Hadley has brown hair and brown eyes
She is a great friend and loves to be around people she is always caring to everyone she sees

sophia: who is that kind person over there??
kate: that’s definitely a Hadley!!!

by Your Loved December 16, 2019

4👍 3👎


Aaron is the most adventurous person you’ll every meet. He’s funny, dumb (in a good way), caring, and Happy! Aaron is a girls magnet he is very Handsome. He is a very talkative person and is a social bug. He loves to spend time with his family. He loves hunting and fishing. It’s rare to meet a trustworthy person but when you meet an Aaron it’s not so hard.

Man have your meet Aaron yet. He’s super awesome

by Your Loved January 15, 2021

6👍 5👎


Hannah is the most awesome human being you’ll ever meet! She’s funny, caring, silly, and most importantly happy. She the baddest person you’ll ever meet. She loves to make people laugh and smile. It’s rare to see her cry and if she does it means she’s truly hurt. Hannah is a love magnet and everyone wants to be with her. If she tells you she loves you she means it! ❤️🥺

Boy: Hey dude
Girl: hiii
Boy: you seem so happy
Girl: it because I meet a Hannah

by Your Loved January 15, 2021