noun; plural endo, (occasionally) endos
Today there are two popular meanings for the word endo (it's a matter of opinion really):
1.) The first term that was created (which many people still see as still the only correct definition) simply refers to weed that is grown indoors.
2.)Today the term has gained popularity and therefore been a tad manipulated, so endo is also used to describe any decent weed, chronic, or as i like to say, "fuego." This kind of weed typically has red hairs and very visible THC crystals that look like mini jewels.
Manipulation explanation:
Typically the endo is usually better GROWN than the outdo. That's not to say that sunlight isn't the best light out there (or that you couldn't take a crappy outdo seed and make it decent with a little TLC) -- but indoor growers usually grow hydroponically w/ some of the best marijuana-marketed fertilizers out there. Also much outdoor weed is either damaged from shipping across borders, or just from it not being tended too very well -- being that the these aholes usually have fields upon endless fields of the shyt.}
Hey chico you got any of that endo, b/c that duck down the block still got that grimey outdo?
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