It is when a Muslim man gets a secret wife without the permission of his first wife (In Islam, polygyny is allowed). In moralistic terms, this is considered cheating, but it is considered "permissible" in Islam. Hence, you may cheat without the permission of your first wife, as long as you're doing it the halal way!
Married woman: I just learned that my husband had another wife behind my back for 12 years! I feel so crushed. Was I not enough?
Sister: *sighs* Poor woman, you just caught him halal cheating.
Refers to a black (Sub-Saharan descent) male bottom. The "coco" can also be a reference to the shit excreted from a homosexual man's asshole. This is considered a delicacy among homosexuals. They often risk getting HIV/AIDS and Monkeypox just to savor the flavors of the smooth, vomit-inducing, and often malodorous shit that seeps through their blown out holes.
Clearly gay guy: I'm so tired of this community's shaming of me I will-
Daquan: Man, I'm tired of your coco bottom taking up space in this conversation
Someone who is of African and Pakistani origin. Hence, the term "Niggastani" is coined for such a person
Atheel: Ahmed looks a bit too black bruh. Who is he?
Zayn: He a niggastani dawg