11:11 Has gotten many meanings since it became popular: Satanist auguries, the presence of God, a message from your guard angel, alignment of stars, massive spam on your feed of Snapchat with a blackscreen to indicate you crush on someone etc,,
A new meaning has emerged, which is not very used.
11:11 is also getting a meaning like: Hilarious, Genuinely funny, Awesome.
Guy: Hey man, watch this video, its so funny!
Friend: ofc
Friend: XD man this is 11:11
Guy: Ikr?
11:11 has gotten many definitions: The appearance of a guard angel, the appearance of God himself, an augury of Satan, alignment of stars/planets etc,, But a new common use has emerged. 11:11 is also being used as: Hilarious, Extremely funny, Exceptionally funny, Genuinely funny, Awesome.
Thomas: Hey Lucas, look at this video of this man falling
Lucas: XD! 11:11 man.
Thomas: ikr