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Frat is a word that gives away a GDI's ignorance. It's a fraternity. Yes we party. Yes we have a good time, but being greek is more than that. It's brotherhood, it's tradition, it's morals and values instilled into us from a previous generation when manners were used and gel in hair wasn't. On my campus, the greek gpa is much higher than the non-greek gpa. So if you think we're all a bunch of guys that dress similar and drop out of school, you're completely mistaken. We dress like adults, have better grades than you, and one day we'll be your boss and you'll have to dress exactly how we do now when you work in your cubicle while we're in our corner office smoking a cigar and drinking scotch.

"That frat guy I was telling you about got the internship I wanted" - GDI bitch

by Yourfutureboss April 28, 2009

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