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When one feels disgust or aversion to transsexuals instead of phobia, which has been wrongly attributed most of the time.


Chill Dude: Nah, fam, I'm not afraid of you, I'm just transgusted

by Yourmomsboyfriend March 12, 2021

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Vegas Cock

noun: a penis that is severely infected with any number of venereal diseases (mostly the worst ones out there like syphillis, clamidia, etc.). A penis that has nasty fluids and puss filled bumps on it and is really the worst thing that can happen to anyone. The reason its called "Vegas Cock" is because not everything that happens in Vegas stays in Vegas (i.e. it comes back with you in your pants).

Coined by A.I. witnessed by P. R. on 8/8/2008

Guy 1: dude i went on a trip to Vegas and fucked a couple a nasty street hookers and I came back with a case of Vegas Cock

Guy 2: fuckin sucks balls dude!

by Yourmomsboyfriend June 28, 2019

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Pretty much everywhere outside MERICA. Places like Europe, Australia, Canada, and a bunch of other soyboy cuck breeding grounds. Also, states like California and New York and most of the East/West coastline. Places that don't respect individual rights and are collectivist shitholes.

European Soycuckistan: "We need to ban free speech because nobody should be offended by words. Only approved speech should be allowed. Its for the GREATER GOOD."

MERICA: "What a fucking mess. Keep you Soycuckistan to yourselves and stay the fuck away from us or we'll glass crater your ass."

by Yourmomsboyfriend December 15, 2018

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brady buncher

1. a person, that resembles one of the family members of the brady bunch, not by looks per se, but mainly by behavior that fits that "perfect, white american" mold.

2. a faggot or a homosexual

3. a pussy of a person, a whimp, a bitch (not female)

1. just talking to that guy gives me the fuckin creeps. that perfect, tv commercial looking face, with his perfect, slicked haircut, his american eagle outfit from his underwear to his sweater, and his radio commercial voice.. fuckin brady buncher, man.

2. dude that guy just bought me a beer at the bar, he was kinda cool.... he's a fuckin brady buncher man, look at him staring at your ass.. holy shit! you're right

3. don't be such a brady buncher, bro. just man up and accept the fact that you're no longer with that whore of an ex-girlfriend of yours. its a good thing you guys broke up. she was fucking half of the staff at the dairy queen on 4th and rural.

by Yourmomsboyfriend March 9, 2010

28πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A combination of words soy and brainlet, soylet is a person (typically male) that has effeminate traits (see soy boy) coupled with low intelligence. Your typical soylet is more than likely an SJW, antifa supporter, chapocel, nu-male, male feminist, or similar. Physical attributes of a soylet may include spaghetti arms, weighing 130 lbs or less, skinny fat, terrible posture, weak physical condition, and generally not in healthy physical shape due to their bad lifestyle and not because of any disabilities. Mental attributes may include outbursts such as: "As a male, I apologize for my gender", "the Soviet Union was state capitalist", "I'm an asexual demiboy gender queer batkin", "Just because she has a penis doesn't make her a man".

soylet: "Tax the rich 100%!! Can't wait for the revolution to eat the rich!"

doctor: "Your testosterone levels are the lowest I've ever seen in a 35 year old male. Please stop screaming in my office."

by Yourmomsboyfriend June 24, 2019

73πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

free shit

Free shit is something that you get for free without having to pay for it. Synonymous with just plain "free". Many people, however, get confused and think that some free shit is actually free just because they don't have to directly pay for it.

Example 1

Dude 1: This guy on street came up to me and gave me some free shit (pulls out a bag of weed)
Dude 2: Damn bro, just make sure its not laced with meth


Example 2:

Woke barista: Education and healthcare are human rights, man! Matter fact, everything should be free including food! Vote Bernie!

Based zoomer: No such thing as free shit, bro. Someone always ends up paying for it.

by Yourmomsboyfriend June 8, 2019

22πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

dirt digger

an opposite of a gold digger. at an upscale party most women won't consider you even if you're good looking, unless you have money. most of them tramps are gold diggers. well, a dirt digger actually will fuck you even if you're just an average income guy.

guy1: dude, i was at the W hotel celebrity party last night.. there were some fine ass bitches there dude, i could tell some of them liked me, but i had no chance with them since i dont drive a lambo. so towards the end of the night i got lucky and actually took a girl home without using the roofies!

guy2: found yourself a dirt digger out of the whole crowd after all huh?

guy1: fuck yeah. she even licked my ass!

by Yourmomsboyfriend March 7, 2010

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