A skidball is similar in meaning to scumbag, but slightly different. Could be used to describe trashy people, dirty people, broke ass idiots with nothing going for them in life, people that try to screw you over, someone who's credit is beyond fucked because they can't manage their finances, drug addicts, and of course scumbags in general.
Car rental employee 1: "Bro, I just had to explain to some gypsy that he can't rent a car with cash, only credit card. He kept trying to convince me by giving me a bunch of money as collateral. Took me 20 minutes to get rid of his ass"
Car rental employee 2: "Jeez, what a fuckin skidball"
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When a man has explosive diarrhea, and some of the fecal matter splashes up onto his nutsack.
âGROSS! Brennen has some merky balls!â
slow food is the opposite of fast food. In other words a sit down restaurant of some sort or anything that is not McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell, Subway, Wendy's, KFC, Blimpie, etc.. You get the point.
coined by A. I. 10/22/2008
Bunch of people in the car:
Guy1: Man i'm starvin sons!
Guy2: Shit, me too! What you wanna eat?
Guy3: I'm down with whatever, how about some BK?
Guy4: Fuck that shit! I want some slow food for a change. Sit down and relax for a bit you know.
Guy2: Yeah I hear ya brotha. Lets go get some steaks at Mastro's.
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an ass stamina is the measurement of the ability of a girl (...or a guy) to take an immense amount of pounding (intercourse) in the lower opening of the alimentary canal (i.e. anus or asshole). for anal intercourse lovers, ass stamina plays an important role in the process; the more ass stamina the receiving person has, the more enjoyment both parties (giving and receiving) will get out of the intercourse.
a lot of ass stamina can be seen in people exhibiting the constant need for anal intercourse even after the prolonged, hard pounding has been performed on their anus by the giving party.
my girl sure has a lot of ass stamina. i was going blitzkrieg on that ass for over 30 minutes until i almost passed out and she still wanted me to pound it more. her asshole was gaping so much i could easily fit my fist in it.
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When you see someone who is zooted, or they are in the process of getting stoned.
âCheck out Ryker, going into eco mode!â
A cracker with a set of dangler testicles/ a very unsanitary nutsack/ a man with a low to no sperm count.
âThat boys got some murky balls!â
to the contrary blief, a nigger steak is not chicken. it is rather a cheap, shit quality meat or piece of liver. the reson for it being called a nigger steak is because most black people were poor back in the day and couldn't afford prime grade meats to eat at dinners, so they resorted to a lower grade food such as liver or shit meat.
damn, are you cooking nigger steaks again? spend an extra 2 bucks per pound and get something decent for once.. fuuuuuck!!
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