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She a stubborn person you’ll ever meet,she always likes to start drama,sometime she lies and sometimes she doesn’t,make sure to not to mess with her feeling because she gets but hurt,sometimes she’s happy and sad,she think she’s ugly but she’s not she the most beautiful girl you ever see,she’s a devil and an angel at the same time,she likes to talk shit and act like she everything😂,if you ever talk shit on her she’ll try to fight or talk shit back,Valeria is a kind of girl you wanna be friends with you can always trust her and she’ll keep your secrets, she thinks no body likes her because she ugly,she always thinks that boys only want girls for there ass and sometimes she’s scared to like or dare someone, be aware to meet her family her family is just as funny as her she has a wonderful family,she likes to talk shit and start drama if you know Valeria very well,she always thinks negative,if you don’t have a friend like Valeria you need to find one because you need a friend like her,she’s someone who will go on and on about something and she will sit there until you are ready to talk she’s a friend who won’t leave you for a boy of your having a bad day she’ll never chose her boyfriend over her friends,she has a few close friends, she always fight with her best friends but they’ll make up the next day

Someone:do you know who Valeria is

Bsf of Valeria: duh she’s the most wonderful person and how come you don’t know who she is
Someone:people keep saying she’s the best friend is it true or false
Bsf of Valeria: bitch it’s fucking true!

by Yoyo3121 February 16, 2019

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