when you are retarded enough to swap the both word on the word "Gang bang"
also why the fuck are you searching for gang bang
"LmaO LeT's SeaRcH fOr GanG baNG"
:oh WaiT , IM reTarDed i SpelleD BanG GaNG"
What the fuck is wrong with you
it's just a letter
oh, yeah. there's a use tO it
and that is fOr
bOttOm text
"im bOred sO imma search for the letter O in urban dictiOnary cuz why the fuck nOt"
a group that consists of a few faggots and one pedo
1: yo are you from nyx-e ?
2:yeah !
1: what do you think of that one pedo ?
2: he is retarded
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