1. One who holds himself above all others to reach his or her ulterior motive.
2. Most hated person, but limited to a social group or sometimes family. (also see Asshole)
1. Hitler was a ranum.
2. Hitler was a ranum.
5👍 8👎
1. Woman who uses men to further her primary motive.
2. A more subtle version of "Sugar Bitch" (opposite of sugar mama)
1. That sugarbritches left me after I bought her a new car.
2. That sugarbritch played you, she's more broke than you.
37👍 120👎
1. Like the word Caesar for the king of rome, called tzar by the russians. Zendizar is the one who is lowest out of all the citizens of rome, shortend down by todays standards to simply, zend.
1. Bobby was not very popular at school, the other kids teased him with the title "zend of the school."