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Person with this name are generally tall, with dark skin tone and with lot of mental issues (in a sense dumb kid). They looks pretty much older than their real age.
This people are mostly addicted to mobile games, a camera shy with introvert personality but can also be a crackhead sometimes.
Guys with this name are always useless unbothered, a sike head aswell a maniac.
They also got a wired taste in music... multi national songs like Turkish songs German songs Korean songs lot more.
Be aware from them as because they got a inocent face with criminal mind set. And that won't succeed as they are dumb as hell.

Person 1: heyyy are exam gonna start from tomorrow. Do you even have all the notes ready yet??
Person 1: ohh sorry my bad....

by Yunami November 27, 2021


A Person with tall figure dark skin and multiple metal issues....(in a sense dumb kid) generally don't look alike there real age.
People with this name is mostly addicted to mobile games, camera shy, introvert personality but can also be crack head sometimes.
Don't give a fuck in important stuff and always use Google map for dumb reasons whenever he step outside and also this ppl have a wired taste in music.
Such like multi national songs ex: Turkish songs German songs Spanish songs and Korean songs.
This person is a perfect defination for a useless unbothered mentally crack dumb human.

Be aware from those kids!!!!

Person 1: heyy yesterday onwards our exam will start . Do you have all the notes ready??
Sayan: I AM SAYAN...
Person 1: ohh sorry my bad..

by Yunami November 27, 2021

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