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Rockport, MA

Rockport Massachusetts is the most tiny town you will ever visit. The locals are mostly stuck up old people, and any middle age people that live there have been there since birth. Most Rockport kids go to Rockport public school systems. I have never seen a more poor school in my entire life. They take away kid’s tissues when they have to pay for something. The teachers (especially D.C. Gagnon) are trash but the school can not afford to hire new ones. Their music and arts program is good, but don’t be fooled. That’s the only thing the school in the middle of freaking nowhere is good for. Also, all the rockport boys wear shorts and a t-shirt when it’s 30 degrees out. Next, the tourists. They all flock in from god knows where, all to see a little red fishing house?? Makes no sense. Downtown there are about 10,000 rockport kids in the summer and just as many art galleries. You walk two feet and there’s an art gallery. In the summer, the main beach, front beach, is tiny but still crawling with tourists. The water is freezing and filled with seaweed. Suffice to say, DON’T LIVE IN ROCKPORT. YOU WILL STAY THERE YOUR ENTIRE LIFE AND NEVER ESCAPE....

Those Rockport, MA old folks are at it again complaining about the young people!

by Yurrrr mom May 10, 2019

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