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fat lard

Some one fat, lazy and wierd. They have alot of lard and can be very fat. A diss to someone who is a fat lard, is a fat face.

You fat lard stop it!

by ZAK March 25, 2005

220πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž


a variation of the word "yeah" but only used for extra emphasis in situations

"Jeyah" is usually said by itself, before anything else is said and the context is whatever you want to make it.

by ZAK March 3, 2003

9πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


mostly used on the internet,

something you say to someone that want to shut the hell up; basically a stronger way of saying "I don't care"

12:06am <EeP> i cut my finger
12:06am <EeP> really badly
12:06am <EeP> :|
12:06am«@ excess-TeLP-iO» careface

by ZAK May 13, 2004

316πŸ‘ 112πŸ‘Ž


Similar to "In a bit" or "Inabit". A way of saying goodbye.

Inabitch blud.

by ZAK May 11, 2004

7πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A clan on www.gamerankings.com that is considered to be very gay.

"Have you checked the GayRE thread lately? Its exceptionally gay tonight."

by ZAK July 3, 2004

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A comment on Gamerankings that is deemed to be very gay.

"That was a very GayRE comment, Jay."

by ZAK July 3, 2004

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as the ARE, not as they ought to be. Hence the custom among Scythians of plucking out a cynic's eyes to improve his vision.

I am a cynic. Ow! Ow! Those are my eyes1

by ZAK May 3, 2003

25πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž