Source Code

Pump it Up

Sweet fucking dance game. Better than DDR, because of it's corner steps instead of up/down, left/right steps. Also includes a center step.
Can often confuse an avid DDR player, making them look like an ass.
The same goes for an avid PIU player when trying out DDR. Stick to one machine.

Holy shit man! Look at Zeke on the PIU machine! Is he on crack or something?!

by ZEKE May 10, 2003

58πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž

Sherpa Guide

Person carrying a lot of shit.

Guy: Hey, were only walking a block to the drug store. Why are you carrying all that shit?
Girl: blah blah blah blah blah...
Guy: Ha! You look like a damned Sherpa Guide!

by ZEKE May 7, 2005

6πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

free republic

Proof that the right wing zealots farthest to the right (bordering with fascism if not already there) who unquestionably follow George W. Bush and Fox News are all fucking insane, intolerant, uneducated assholes.

You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

The United States is a free republic.

Free Republic wants concentration camps for liberals, just like their German pen pals from the 1930s.

by ZEKE June 5, 2005

379πŸ‘ 290πŸ‘Ž

Paranoid Social Club

An excellent band containing former members of the Rustic Overtones, heard mainly in the New England area on good radio stations. The vocals are similar to the Rustic Overtones, though the style has changed a bit and the lyrics are suited to a faster pace.

Singles include "Wasted," "She Gets Me High," and "Two Girls."

One sees potential in a man
When he's broke
The other one's still thinking
That this band is a joke
One hits the road
Like the second you cum
The other one you wake up
When your breakfast is done

I need I need
I need two girls
If I can't have you

by ZEKE June 21, 2005

13πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A rude, thoughtless, and abrasive person with poor taste. Derived by reference to shriveled testicles and/or wrinkles on the male genitals.

That guy we met at the party last night was such a fucking shriv.

by ZEKE September 6, 2004

65πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


German equivalent of cotton candy.

"Ich bin der ZuhÀlter von Zuckerwatte." means "I am the cotton-candy pimp."

Chris Pretti is the "cotton-candy pimp."

by ZEKE March 11, 2004

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

8-bit theater

A clever online sprite cartoon about the adventures of the evil Black Mage, the thieving Thief, the sword-obsessed dolt Fighter, and the dice-reliant Red Mage, a team of "light warriors" who aren't really light warriors and don't get along all that well and are shadowed by Black Belt, a martial arts bodyguard and White Mage, a healer and the most sane character of the series by far.

Black Mage: Congratulations, you pointy-eared elven freak. You're at the top of my death list now! You wait until we get to the end of the trail of my blood to make it official.
Fighter: Oh, don't worry Black Mage. I'll do it for ya.
Black Mage: No, touch nothing, these robes are booby-trapped, you'll damn us all.
Fighter: Lacking as I do in writing implements of any kind, I'll edit with my blade!
Black Robe: My list, my precious list. You know I've got a memory like a thingy that lets water drain out of it while keeping back solids of appreciable size. I'll have to raze the Earth to make sure I didn't skip anyone.
Fighter: I'm a helper!

by ZEKE December 15, 2004

110πŸ‘ 150πŸ‘Ž