An event wherein Person A sits on the toilet directly followed by Person B sitting on their lap, at which point both attempt to void their bowels simeltaneously, generally resulting in a large steaming pile of fresh poo in the lap of Person A.
This ritual may be done on account of a lack of proper dedication facilities, where Person A spreads their legs in a sad but worthy attempt to enable Person B's fecal matter to fly directly into the bowl, but is most often enacted for the sake of sexual pleasure between two degenerates.
Dan:"Hey Kevin, what was the last badge you got in the Boyscouts?"
Kevin: "It was the Roman Squat Badge! My Scout Master said I was his favorite, so I was the only one he allowed to earn it!"
Dan: "Kevin, Your scout master was a pedophile"
That nod you give, in passing, to a girl whose vagina you've been using as your personal jungle gym for the last several weeks unbeknownst to your surrounding colleagues/friends. This nod is a good medium between absolute lack of acknowledgment and obvious overconversating as to not draw suspicion to the fact that she's an undercover freak and can take sausage better than the local butcher.
Tom: "Why didn't Jack say 'Hello' to Sarah this morning? I thought they were friends?"
Will: "He just gave her the 'Nod of Acknoweldgement', I'm pretty sure he porked her on his grandmother's kitchen floor last night"
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