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shockingly comical undersized phallus well below the lower bound of average

to otherwise LIE in the extreme

"richard!! is that all you got? I'm gonna use the vibrator instead, good night"
"richard!!" is a common expression of loathing and mockery pre-coitus aborting coitus

"richard!! stop fucking spamming UD with your BULLSHIT DICK claims"

by ZT 0599 June 15, 2013

35👍 167👎


to love baby dick usually one's own

to spam urban dictionary with my delusions of phallus size. Since ZT0599 has an underdeveloped phallus it's obviously paedophillia, too

by ZT 0599 June 15, 2013

18👍 1👎

ZT 0599

to love baby dick usually one's own

I spam urban dictionary with delusions of one's phallus size. Since ZT 0599 has an underdeveloped phallus it's obviously paedophillia, too

by ZT 0599 June 15, 2013

12👍 2👎