Source Code

Tax Time

The hours and days preceding the deadline to pay taxes to the Big Homey. An uptick in armed robberies typically occurs during this period.

Loco: Fuck man! I owe the Big Homey a couple Gs by Friday!

Lucifer: C'mon, You know what to do! It's Tax Time! Go pull a lick on the Stop and Rob on Broadway!

by ZXY&ABC July 26, 2019

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Cake is in the oven

The job has been completed.

Fat Rick: Odelay holmes! The cake is in the oven!

Buho: Cake? What fuckin' cake?

Fat Rick: You know, the cake is in the oven!

Buho: Huh?

Fat Rick: Remember what Huesos told you! Well, the dope car was just dropped outside that shitty dive bar!

Buho: Hey bro, I thought we weren't supposed to actually say that!

Fat Rick bitch slaps Buho.

by ZXY&ABC July 28, 2019

40πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Family Affiliated Irish Mafia. An Irish-American street gang formed in west Contra Costa County by Coby Phillips in the mid-1990s. In the 2000s, FAIM operated one of the largest crystal methamphetamine distribution networks in the United States. FAIM is classified as a 'disruptive group' by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. FAIM members identify with tattoos of leprechauns and shamrocks.

Mattie Boy (rapping): I been to the State and I been to the pen...And for that right risk, man I'd do that shit again...Dockin' she straight, if it aint we comin' for ya...Screamin' CoCo County FAIM and we hit ya life for ya

by ZXY&ABC February 28, 2019

19πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Back One In

A very significant bowel movement.

Thad: Do not go in the bathroom for the next hour!

Chad: Why broseph? The frat party starts in 30 minutes!

Thad: Trust me! Let it air out!

Chad: But why?

Thad: I had to back one in. And it was a healthy one too!

Chad: Huh?

Thad: You know: Dump some trout, Drop the kids off at the pool, Let one rip.

Chad: OK I gotcha. You could have just sent you took a massive dump.

by ZXY&ABC July 16, 2020

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Police radio code for 'Cancelled' or 'Disregard that assignment.'

Ex. 1

Deputy 1 frantically speaks into the radio microphone.

Deputy 1: We're gonna need hostage negotiators, emotional support therapists, a Spanish language translator--

Deputy 2 grabs Deputy 1.

Deputy 2: --Don't forget the BIPOC community liaison and a LGBTQI+ navigator--

Sheriff Villareal, wearing a cowboy hat, arrives in a six-ton armored vehicle with a 14-foot battering ram. He exits the vehicle and leans in on Deputy 1.

Sheriff Villareal: We're gonna 10-22 that. The Sheriff is calling the shots now.

Ex. 2

Tobias: I can't believe they cancelled my TV show because of the 'Trudeau Incident' episode!

DaMarcus: You mean the one where you wore black face just like the Canadian Prime Minister?

Tobias: It was shoe polish! But they still 10-22'd me!

DaMarcus: Don't stress homey. Just reinvent yourself as a trans woman who self identifies as Native American and you'll get your own Netflix special in no time.

by ZXY&ABC October 31, 2022

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The Brand

The Aryan Brotherhood prison gang. The Brand is the shamrock, the AB's most coveted symbol

Shovelhead: (Showing off ink) Check out my sick ass shamrock tatt!

Loki: Don't be getting prison tatts of shamrocks without The Brand's permission! Or your ass is gonna end up on the Hard Candy List!

by ZXY&ABC February 28, 2019

23πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Gimped Up

Not being able to move normal

Ex. 1

Rick Escobar: You termed him, as you call it, Gimped Up.

David Beckwith: Yep.

Escobar: Tell the jury what Gimped Up means.

Beckwith involuntarily spasms as he testifies.

Beckwith: It means that he didn't move normal.

Escobar: Can you give them any better description than that?

Beckwith: No I can't.

Beckwith involuntarily spasms.

State v. Michael Keetley. Cross examination of State's witness David Beckwith. March 9, 2023.

Ex. 2

Damarcus: You see that fool D-Rock?

DaJuan: Uh huh. That cat be smokin' them bath salts. He's hella Gimped Up.

Damarcus mimes an involuntary spasm.

Damarcus: They be callin' him Spaz-Matic.

by ZXY&ABC April 7, 2023

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