The instrument that is currently bugging the crap out of me as I type these words. M u s t c o n t i n u e t y p i n g...(Slams guitar on ground) that's better.
11π 128π
The mating call of the rare fuckus bird.
55π 18π
A fitness "Celebrity" famous for shilling exercise machines by showing his RICDICULOUSLY chiseled abs that he got before the product was even thought of.
What the hell is John Basedow famous for?!?
43π 134π
Bernard Kerrik:
The former Homeland Security Secretary nominee who left the race after they found out he was having an affair with the illegal immegrant maid of the Mob's babysitter.
It's times like this I wish kerrek was around.
Reality: A frozen, fruit flavored treat. definition: Penis.
I'm no popsickle licker. And thats no gay uphamism... Or is it? No, its not.
Sick freak.
68π 23π