A meaningless word designed to sound racist, without actually being racist.
A nothing word spoken merely for shock value.
Alright, you slonty swoggers?
U wot? Say that again you scum
Chillax, it's meaningless! Read this Urban Dictionary definition!
Oh hoho! You got me well and proper there Bert!
Romanian Gypsy insult to describe a fat person
RAZVAN: Andrei, tu eÈti butangas
(Andrei, you are butangas)
ANDREI: Nu Razvan, mama ta este butan gas
(No Razvan, your mother is butangas)
A word that sounds racist, but actually bears no meaning. It is said to shock, before they realise it actually is a fake word.
Oi slonty! What's all this I hear you been hangin out with a lot of swoggers lately?
What the hell did you just say?
Relax yourself big boy, look it up on Urban Dictionary, it's a joke!
Oh Bert, you are one saucy gent! Hohohohohohoho!