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little knicks on your nutsack you get when you are trying to shave your nutsack and it is cold. this happens because when it is cold, your balls get hard and shrivled, thus you are more succeptible to knicks

Christ Tad can you lend me some neosporin for the speens i have on my balls?

by Zack January 11, 2003

5👍 12👎


expersion used when a great play has unfolded in sports and there is nothing that can describe it

1. a player hit a homerun "Oh thats yatzee!"
2. Man gets a strike in bowling "Yahtzee, tripple points."

by Zack April 6, 2004

2👍 15👎


To leave one thing and go to do another; a transistion of action.
To bounce from place to place, go to another location or leave the original location.

My cronnies and I bounced after we laughed it out with some friends at the comedy club.

by Zack August 20, 2004

5👍 4👎

tart kart

Also known as the short bus. Insulting the bus that mentally handicapped kids ride to school.

Did you see the kids getting out of the tart kart this morning.

by Zack April 10, 2005

9👍 8👎


A marijuana hit from a bong that lasts a long time because once the human lungs fill with marijuana smoke the human exhales through his or her nose and continues to inhale through his or her mouth causing a very long hit or what some call double hitting, tripple hitting, etc...

Damn Zack was train'n that bong like it was the last nug on Earth.

by Zack December 28, 2005

4👍 1👎


The short brief description that accompanies links on Web sites where high usability is valued over graphic design.

link href This glort accurately describes the content you'll find if you follow this link, and provides enough detail to let you decide whether it's worth clicking or not.

by Zack September 22, 2003

13👍 28👎

slave to the grind

A local coffee shop in Bronxville. Most people who chill at Slave think they’re the center of the known universe, but they’re actually just a collection of high school rejects that found a niche in a local coffeehouse. You can’t take a step in any direction without hearing a group of lazy, spoiled rich kids with the intelligence of 5th graders discussing politics. The money they buy that shitty coffee with is from their doctor parents. “Jet tea” is a fucking slurpee. There’s always a fucking line for the bathroom. People keep stealing the fucking chess pieces so all you can play is checkers, which is all anyone has the IQ to play in there anyway. The people who work there have extreme attitudes, hey, kind of like the entire village of Bronxville itself, and Hitler moustaches should be as required as those lame ass retro green slave to the grind shirts. It is reffered to as slave to the cock

Slave to the ca-ca-ca-ca-cock!!

by Zack February 13, 2005

29👍 79👎