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A stupid, idiotic, imbecilic, flaming pit of despair where you are stuffed full of menial bullshit you will never use beyond this crapload of a building where the teachers jam unimportant facts down your throat, that they are only doing so that they can paid for a measly job where a shitbag principal and other teachers are ordered to teach you math, reading and writing, but not how to get a fucking job. These teachers jam shit down your throat and guess what? Don't understand it? TOO BAD! This is your life and you'd better get fucking started on this waste of childhood, working even harder than others because you don't understand. You don't understand how drawing an idiotic 3-D cube in art class helps you become a fucking DOCTOR!!

Man: You ever think about that worksheet that you finished in fifth grade, in you elementary school? Did you ever need that again?
Woman: Fuck no.

by Zack Heligan April 28, 2020