Face Balls, a word meaning epic and awesome, beats everything and everyone. It is the most powerful word in the galaxy! Use it in any sentence and you will win.
Face Balls, is the meaning of life.
Different uses
"Yo mama so fat when she steps on a scale it says only one at a time", " Face Balls" "FU$% you win"
Girl friends ugly, "Face Balls" She an angel
Bank robbery, "Face Balls" They cuff themselves
No boner, "Face Balls" It's sky skraper tall
Rainbow, "Face Balls" Double Rainbow
Burger, "Face Balls" Big Mack inside another Big Mack
Wife Sex, "Face Balls" Six Girls Sex
Small Boobs, "Face Balls" Dougeball Boobs
"Face Balls", "Face Balls" Universe Splits in two
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