Source Code

D Club

This is an activity that must be partaken before a group of men participate in gathering that require them to be naked in the same room together, like a spa or a sauna.
The activity is as follows: Each person must stare at each other's dick for a full minute. And then carry on with their activity.

This happens to relieve awkwardness that occurs when you accidentally look at the other persons's dick and try to avoid looking at it.

It must be noted that there is no homosexual innuendo or logic involved in the activities or the reasoning behind the D-Club.

If an erection were to happen during the minute of the D-Club, then the erectee must perform 10-15 push-ups immediately to get rid of the major blood flow to the penis.

If there is any slight indication that someone is trying to use the D-Club for homosexual purposes, then he must be forced to leave the premises or be clubbed by the Ceremonial Club or the C-Club.

The term was first coincided by Arin Hanson aka Egoraptor.

-Are we going to that Korean spa this afternoon?
-OK, let's get this out of the way. Here is my fucking Dick. Look at it!
-Woah woah woah, what the hell are you doing???!?
-Relax bro, it's only D Club.
-Oh, that's perfectly fine and reasonable now.

by Zan The Puss February 2, 2014

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