An Apple product, e.g. last year's iPad, with about the same capabilities as a Chromebook costing half it's price.
"No MuseScore... can't import GarageBand tracks... what is this, a freakin' Pomebook?
The peppering of the timeline of a Page Administrator with suggestions to engage peers-at-best for the same services he or she offers, with no apparent commitment to reciprocity.
Just once, can they scrap all this Metagation and float me a link for a same-genre songwriter in my time zone who is willing to barter accompaniment?
Actually the "Law of Diminishing Return" renamed to reflect the social mores and cerebral content of its enforcers.
I could tell by that appointment to the seat I had kept so warm that The Real Peter Principle had been applied.
Those town council meetings on Community Television are so boring... I think I'll go over there and scatagitate a bit!
Devoid of the necessary emotional or artistic mobility to make the slightest impact despite all efforts, if any.
Those songs sucked the first time around, you expect people to pay a cover to listen to the same slug-lame arrangement of all of them, back-to-back, for three hours?
Legalized extraction of large regular payments, to no discernible purpose, for whose funding a second job or post-retirement employment is necessary.
Frank's gonna live off Social Security and that 403b? On $23K a year Bidemony?
An organizational cabal of spin doctors, usually engaged to protect a frivolous accuser from the whole truth.
SWAT is an acronym for "Sherwin Williams Academy of Transparency."
Pete's got himself quite a dilemma... if he seeks out that client, they'll fire him; if she gets to their SWAT team first, he'll wish they had.
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