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SWAT team

An organizational cabal of spin doctors, usually engaged to protect a frivolous accuser from the whole truth.

SWAT is an acronym for "Sherwin Williams Academy of Transparency."

Pete's got himself quite a dilemma... if he seeks out that client, they'll fire him; if she gets to their SWAT team first, he'll wish they had.

by Zappin' Nap May 20, 2012

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Devoid of the necessary emotional or artistic mobility to make the slightest impact despite all efforts, if any.

Those songs sucked the first time around, you expect people to pay a cover to listen to the same slug-lame arrangement of all of them, back-to-back, for three hours?

by Zappin' Nap January 9, 2022

The Real Peter Principle

Actually the "Law of Diminishing Return" renamed to reflect the social mores and cerebral content of its enforcers.

I could tell by that appointment to the seat I had kept so warm that The Real Peter Principle had been applied.

by Zappin' Nap December 28, 2023


(v.t.) Stir the shit.

Those town council meetings on Community Television are so boring... I think I'll go over there and scatagitate a bit!

by Zappin' Nap September 1, 2018


Legalized extraction of large regular payments, to no discernible purpose, for whose funding a second job or post-retirement employment is necessary.

Frank's gonna live off Social Security and that 403b? On $23K a year Bidemony?

by Zappin' Nap September 20, 2022


1. SPAM originating with the server.

2. Any private social network communication that simultaneously stimulates and gums up the works.

So I cancel a Boost because half the responses were spam allegations, and now the server is cluttering my Inbox with MetaMucilage.

by Zappin' Nap May 3, 2022


A Birth-Male Transgender, especially one engaged in women's competitive sports.

The Italian female Olympic boxer was going great guns until that estroid stepped into the ring!

by Zappin' Nap November 7, 2024