Zara is a wonderful person sometimes she is rude when people take the wrong turns but most of the time she is nice
Never lose a friend like Zara she even might have the same name as you !
In Sam and cat lumpatious means probably annoying disrespectful and wierd
Lumpatious means disrespectful and and annoying
Sonari is my best friend you can never let go of her you will need her in your life or you will be bored she is the best trust me
Sonari is my bestie
Sonari is the bestest friend you should never lose her if you do karmas coming
Sonari is the best in fact she is my bestie
Joel is weird ,funny and smart you would want a friend like him , he is great . He can make weird noises and he calls his self butter kiss and lots of other stuff he is one weird cool friend
Never lose somebody like Joel well maybe you have too cause he can get angry heh